Fee Comparison

This comparison is for the Reflective Wealth Management service, which requires a minimum of $500,000 of invested assets.


For transparent pricing on the Reflective Wealth Creation service – which has no asset minimum – please click here.

The Flat Fee Difference

Charging a percentage of your account every year adds up significantly over time.


We want to help you maximize your wealth. Not be a burden on it.

Please note that it’s pretty much impossible to achieve exactly 8% every year for 20 years.


But historically speaking, an 8% annualized return over this timeframe is a reasonably conservative expectation for a growth-oriented investment portfolio.


It’s also likely that my flat fee increases in the future, as inflation increases the firm’s operating costs. But if this happens, our clients are locked into their current rate for a period of one year before they have to accept any increase.


And we don’t believe in increasing fees every time our costs go up. If you have to deal with inflation, it’s only fair that businesses should have to deal with it too.


This is for illustrative purposes only.


For a more detailed comparison of typical industry fee structures, please click here.