Wealth Creation

This service is intended for you, if you earn a high income and want to follow a three-step process to achieve financial independence:


1) Financial Security, where you know you’d be fine if you temporarily lost your income.

2) Financial Freedom, where you could easily absorb a pay cut to do happier and less stressful work.

3) Financial Independence, where you can do what you want, when you want, with whom you want.

1 - define your success

Through a collaborative process, you’ll define what success means to you.


Say goodbye to arbitrary societal definitions of success. Say hello to your ideal life.

2 - develop your plan

Together, we’ll develop a simple and effective plan to grow your wealth. The goal will be to achieve the successful life you’ve defined.


For a description of what the planning process looks like, click here.

3 - allocate your time and money

We want a high ROI on every dollar you allocate, whether invested or spent.


Spent money will contribute to your ideal life today, while invested money will contribute to your ideal life tomorrow.

4 - invest your financial surplus

Your new lifestyle will likely lead to a larger financial surplus. This is what happens when you live intentionally. You become happier and you spend less money.


Your investment strategy will be customized to your particular goals and objectives. And I can manage it on your behalf, if you’d like.


Your managed account(s) will be held at a qualified third-party custodian, which is Altruist.


My investment strategy is designed to provide long-term growth above and beyond a simple index fund. You can read about my full investment philosophy and process here.

5 - manage risks

We will plan for the best and protect you from the rest.


Every potential risk to your plan will be considered and planned for. This includes insurance and emergency cash, as well as planning for investment risk.

included in this service

See Full Details Here


1) Customized financial strategy and plan

2) Investment recommendations

3) Investment management

4) Insurance recommendations

5) Basic tax planning

6) Basic estate planning

7) Updates to plan as needed

8) Email support as needed

9) Semiannual progress reviews

Flat Fee for Service

$1,500 Initial Setup Fee


$1,000 Quarterly Retainer Fee


Retainer fees can be auto-deducted from managed account(s) or paid via credit card or ACH.